Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tweet tweet.

See my sweet little birds nest ring?  I've had the nest made for a while now but decided I wanted it a little bigger.  So I wrapped a little extra and then made the ring.  It's messy, I might redo it, but I love it! 


  1. oh my. love that. a lot. I am a "bird lady."

  2. Katie, just answering your question about my wooden doll nativity. I found the wooden stable at Target a few weeks ago in the "dollar section" at the front of the store. I've been back and seen it again, but I know Target doesn't always have the same merchandise in that section in different stores. Thanks for the comment!

  3. Birds nests are supposed to be messy. I LOVE it! You are such a talented awesome gal!

  4. your so awesome. Do you know that.
