Friday, June 5, 2009

Whats new?

Well since it has been a few days since I have posted (I have such writers block) I decided that I would TRY to post some info on whats new with Sofia. So here we go...she is CUTE, super cute and still has brown hair. Maybe it will stay? She has big blue eyes and delicious little lips (and of course that button nose). Oh-and dimples on both cheeks! She is teething...not in a bad way but in a fingers/hand in the mouth (constantly), BIG bubble blowing, drool on the t-shirt kind of way. She sucks her thumb-which Aidan never did. She is strong and must have some serious ab muscles because she is always trying to sit up when she is laying back. She loves to stand...her legs are so strong. (Aidan's were too.) She's wiggly, kicky and super talkative. She loves to look at her big brother and she laughs. Big. Big smiles and coos. Little girls are super!

And since we're here...we should talk about Aidan too. He's pretty cute also, with his blond hair sticking up and big blue eyes. He also has dimples and delicious lips...they have so many similar features, but such a different look. And then not. He is crazy...good crazy...running around in circles crazy. Running and never walking. He loves music...loves to make music...loves to dance...his imagination is SO big now...he loves to play outside (we need a yard!)...
He's a bad listener...he's 2 1/2...he's getting better (maybe). He's sweet...loves to give kisses, say "I love you" and make the I love you sign...hugs...he whines...asks nicely, says please, thank you, welcome. He's big...he has big boy feet and big boy hands...Big laughs. Little boys are super!

1 comment:

  1. ohhh they are sweet babies!!! How fun I can't wait for Ry's imagination to kick in.. so so fun...

    and yes she is beyond beautiful!

    and thanks for going shopping, was fun, nice to be out and not bribing.. :)
