Monday, May 10, 2010

{1 Year Old}

Sofia Elizabeth
12:15 pm
March 6th, 2009

One. Year. Old. Yikes. Where did the time go? You are so big now! You're walking (although you weren't at your birthday). You took your first steps around 11 months and then you decided it wasn't for you. You needed more time...probably more time to get used to your big brother always being around. It took about 2 weeks after your 1st birthday to really be MOVING. And you pretty much haven't stopped since. You love to walk (and run) to play in the at the park. You are content to be on your own...make your own to read books (YES!)...or at least look at the pictures and make noises at them. You don't have any words yet (at least none we can understand)...except for Baaa...which is Bryant (dog). (oh and Mamamamama) You love Bryant...can't get enough of him. You hug him, kiss him, pet him, pull on the hideous, gigantic mole on his face...he licks you. Then he licks you some more.

You LOVE your copy everything (uh-oh) he does...not just the good want to be around him all the time...which can be hard when he is poking and pushing at you... you love to dance (just like Aidan did).

You have not slept through the night yet (I'm not complaining!...usually)...mostly due to the fact of our not so perfect sleeping arrangements. My children need quiet...not so helpful without walls and a door(!). Hopefully one day soon...before you are so over tired that there is no turning back. :)

You are sweet...a snuggler...lover...but fiesty. I'm so curious to see what you will be like when you start talking. (Please don't say no, please don't say no) You are dramatic...I can't believe it starts so early!! Right now it's funny...mainly because it seems unbelievable that a girl knows how to be a girl right away.

You just started to demand that you feed yourself...I'm impressed with how good you are. I've seen how some kids feed themselves...and it's messy. You're so much more self-sufficient then your brother was (shhh...don't tell him)...ok then he is now...(don't tell him that either).

I love you, my precious girl. You are amazing.


  1. So cute!!! You made me laugh about Bryant's mole! HAHA!

  2. What a doll. And this party you threw for her was really lovely! About 20 years from now I would like for her to meet my son.
